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Hillary has plenty of media in her pocket

Why were there no news reports of results in the 2016 Paralympics? I would think that at least by Monday there would have been some sort of recap.

There were many Americans there and medals were won by individuals and teams. I watched or recorded a great deal during the past 11 days and was amazed at the sports participation by people with physical problems. Many of their performances brought tears to my eyes.

The only actual viewing was provided by NBC Sports Network, which featured very complete coverage. But the broadcasts, for the most part, were very late in the evening or in mid-afternoon.

Bless all the participants. They have overcome great adversity and didn’t get the recognition they deserved. In my mind, a report — even a few days late — would be appropriate.

David Rowlands


Rooting out

The first column by Wayne Allyn Root was so self serving that I wondered if he would be able to write about anything else. Now, after reading his next few columns, I have discovered he has only one other subject: trashing Democrats, specifically the president.

Enough. His over-the-top hysteria and dislike of President Obama distract from whatever message he is trying to convey. His columns are a waste of space and newsprint.

Judith Lachance

Las Vegas

Overblown danger

In response to two recent letters to the Review-Journal regarding the mercury scare at Johnson Middle School, I believe the so-called “authorities” are guilty of a complete lack of judgment and gross overreaction. We had an over-long isolation of children from their parents, the seizure and search of personal property without adequate cause, a closing of the school for days and unwarranted home invasion — all over a maximum quarter cup of liquid mercury, discovered drops at a time.

As one writer suggested, most every male over the age of 50 has played with mercury, usually to coat coins, usually from an outdoor thermometer containing more than a medical thermometer. A quarter cup would coat about 16 quarters. How many kids are in the school? More than 16?

The second letter writer’s switch from a volumetric measure to weight comes across as deceptive, as does speculation about small thermometers and phony explosive analogies. Mercury vapor is a larger problem than the liquid. Was anyone sniffing the whole quarter cup? No, because the total volume was retrieved drop by drop.

The standard margins applied by the EPA to allowable hazards are routinely overkill. The whole issue has been inconsequential to the overall health of the population.

Also, the continuing search for the “dangerous” culprit is a waste of time and money. Stop the witch hunt. Given all the notoriety, the “authorities” don’t even have to put out a notice saying don’t do it again. Grow up and move on — and I don’t mean the kids.

Pat Sharp

Las Vegas

Redundant law

I am confused with the current equal pay discussion in the presidential campaign. The federal Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires equal pay for men and women for jobs that “require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility under similar working conditions.” This law is administered by the U.S. government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Do we need a another new “law”?

Jerre West

Las Vegas

Growth problems

How big is big? This postage-stamp area called Las Vegas is so overgrown, what in the world are we thinking putting people on top of people? What is in the minds of these so-called government officials who want to continue this out-of-hand growth?

Every month is like a contest. How many more people flew into McCarren than last year? How many more people occupied hotel rooms? What’s the plus or minus in terms of gaming numbers? It goes on and on and feeds the egos of the people who run the casinos.

Somebody in government needs to step back and take a deep breath and say enough, enough. Don’t take the money out of the people’s pocket to feed a rich man’s ego.

Dave Mesker

Las Vegas

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.