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Ignoring Dnnald Trump’s problems and scandals

You should rename your paper the Trump Gazette. It is nothing but a propaganda outlet for his campaign. Any time you have the opportunity to bash Hillary Clinton, not only does it make the front page, it’s the top story in huge letters. And yet, any negative story about Donald Trump rarely ever gets mentioned at all. If it does, it’s buried in the back in a tiny article.

Wednesday’s Review-Journal was the perfect example. On the front page at the top is a screaming headline about Hillary’s ongoing health problems. Meanwhile, yesterday the New York attorney general announced an investigation into Mr. Trump’s foundation and I didn’t see one mention of it in your paper, let alone on the front page.

Mr. Trump hasn’t given to his own foundation in eight years, repeatedly broke IRS laws while giving to political campaigns and most charities say they never got one dime that he said he gave them. Yet, that doesn’t count as a story for you. Just as Trump’s pay-for-play with the Florida attorney general didn’t count as a story to you.

I’d really love to know how Mr. Trump and his apologists can claim that wasn’t pay-for-play when Mr. Trump has bragged non-stop that when he gives to politicians, they kiss his butt and do whatever he wants. And this woman dropped her investigation of his university after he gave her campaign money and then threw a big fundraiser for her. That’s the very definition of pay-for-play.

Lastly, as far as ripping Hillary non-stop for her health problems and saying it makes her unfit to be president, if Mr. Trump were having those problems and still campaigning, his apologists would be bragging it proved how tough he was.

Tim Weaver


Reader feedback

I was pleased to see the return of the Taste of Town column in the print addition. Thank you for being attentive to your readers.

Darlene Nix


Cloudy outlook

It seems the 2 percenters — those homeowners with rooftop solar — just can’t get off of the rooftop solar bandwagon even when all of the wagon’s wheels have come off. Unlike residential rooftop solar, large-scale utility based solar has so outpaced any possible benefits and cost effectiveness of residential solar it’s hardly worth dissecting the carcass.

Here are just a few simple facts.

Large-scale solar electricity delivered to the consumer now costs half that of rooftop solar here in Nevada. Not only is there a direct cost savings from large scale solar, everyone — rich or poor, homeowner or renter — benefits from large-scale solar. This is simply not true for residential solar.

The fact is Nevada residents, especially renters, now subsidize those with solar rooftop installations both from a federal and state funding prospective. Unlike utility-based solar, rooftop solar presents additional short- and long-term problems including home insurance cost increases and solar maintenance management problems for each and every home installation.

As for all the noise about transmission lines and cost, it really doesn’t matter the source of the power or if a rooftop solar owner decides to put a bank of lithium backup batteries in his garage, the power grid will still be necessary 20 years from now.

Richard Rychtarik

Las Vegas

Testing patience

Amazing. The company selected to test Nevada school children failed to live up to its contract. It did not get the results back as scheduled, which was supposed to be before school started this fall. So its $51 million contract was renewed (“Nevada expands school testing contract,” Wednesday Review-Journal).

Company officials say they will have the results ready by November. Bit late, don’t you think? Teachers and staff rely on these results to place kids in various programs — before school starts, not three months into the school year.

Just another reason why the state’s education system is annually rated so poorly.

Theresa Krause

Boulder City

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.