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Let parents pay for private school tuition

As a Nevada taxpayer, I have been paying taxes for children to go to the public schools. I do not have children, but I am glad to pay my share to educate our kids.

I do not, however, support education savings accounts (school vouchers). If parents want their children to go to private school, then those parents should pay for it. Public funds should never be used for private education.

I gladly support smaller class sizes for all grade levels. Smaller class sizes have been proven to result in better performance at all levels of education. I would gladly pay more taxes for smaller class sizes.

But to pay for someone else’s child to go to a private school? No thank you.

Jack R. Kelly

Las Vegas

Election interlopers

I’m disturbed about the money spent by out-of-state groups trying to influence our election (“Outside dollars continue to flow,” Monday Review-Journal). We need election reform to ensure that only money raised from Nevada residents can be spent on political races for Nevada offices.

Why should outsiders be allowed to interfere with our elections? The cost of running for elective office would be less and we the citizens wouldn’t be bombarded with half truths and commercials all day, every day.

Gerald Pereira

Las Vegas

Making it tougher

In response to your recent editorial regarding people who avoid jury duty, I have a little insight. I served on four juries in California over the years and one here in Clark County. I have always thought it was my civic duty when called.

Last year, I was called upon again. But I found out the parking lot for the federal courthouse was four blocks away, on Las Vegas Boulevard downtown, and you had to arrive at 7 a.m. — which, because it was winter, meant I would be walking in the dark. I decided to use my age to decline their offer.

You shouldn’t need a taxi or a gun to get to jury service. It was stupid to build a courthouse with no parking.

Claudette Dorian

Las Vegas

Harming America

In his Oct. 2 column, Wayne Allyn Root wrote, “Amazingly, not one Fortune 100 CEO has donated to Trump.” Mr. Root was trying to prove his point that the system is rigged against Donald Trump.

But perhaps they did not donate money to the Republican candidate because every CEO of a Fortune 100 company believes that Mr. Trump should not be the president of the United States and that if he became president he would not only harm the country, but harm all the nations of the world.

To become the CEO of a Fortune 100 company, you almost certainly have to be intelligent and understand what harms the United States and other nations.

Jason G. Brent

Las Vegas

Career pols

Let me see if I understand this. Hillary Clinton is calling Donald Trump bad because he inherited money. What about the money Chelsea Clinton will eventually inherit? Should she then be considered a bad person?

Does this make the Kennedys, Soroses and Blumenthals, who have heavily contributed inherited money to her campaign, bad? What about the inherited money the Saudi royal family donated to her foundation? Does she now consider them bad?

Hillary’s acceptance of millions of inherited dollars from these people shows the hypocrisy rampant in her character.

Then we have Sen. Harry Reid screaming because Mr. Trump legally used tax laws written by career politicians including Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Sen. Reid.

What is the problem? Were these tax loopholes written for the benefit of only the career politicians? What tax loopholes have the Clintons, Sanderses and Reids used for their financial benefit?

He who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones.

Looks like the career politicians are being trumped by The Donald and they don’t like it.

Kathleen M. Stone


LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.

LETTER: Missing the mark

These so-called CBO budget experts, if in the private sector, would be put out on the streets for their incompetence.