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LETTER: Biden and the border

It is very frustrating to watch the current situation on our southern border. President Joe Biden claims he needs special authorization to secure the border. I don’t recall him asking for authorization when he made the border less secure. When Mr. Biden took office, the southern border was manageable. Illegal entry into our country had been dramatically reduced.

Instead of appreciating the relative calm, Mr. Biden reversed Donald Trump’s accomplishments. He immediately stopped construction of the border wall. He implemented “catch and release,” allowing illegal immigrants into our country without proper vetting. He ended the policy requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico until their claims could be adjudicated. Most disturbingly, he demoralized border security agents when he maligned them by falsely claiming they whipped immigrants. Yet somehow, he claims the current problems are the fault of Republicans.

He’s holding border security hostage unless Congress gives him $100 billion for Ukraine and other countries. Why one is dependent on the other has yet to be explained. Had he simply done nothing, the border would be under control. It takes an astonishing level of incompetence to fail at doing nothing.

LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.