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LETTER: Bill would rein in governor’s emergency powers

I’m happy to see that the Nevada state Senate will be considering a bill that would put a limit on a governor’s emergency powers. I encourage everyone to read the text of Senate Bill 88. The way it works now, a state of emergency ends when the governor says it ends. SB88 would simply put a limit of 30 days on such powers. At that time, the Legislature would have a vote on continuing the state of emergency.

It is contrary to the basic principles of a representative democracy to instill one person with unlimited powers for an unlimited amount of time. Encourage your state senator to approve this sensible check on power.

LETTER: Highways will go the way of the horse and buggy

I personally can’t wait to give up the soporific scenery, racetrack-like mentality and beautiful Baker bathroom stops of the Interstate 15 car commute in favor of a sleek, smooth train.