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LETTER: Catherine Cortez Masto has already been told how to vote on Dem spending bill

Don’t you love the political ads on local TV urging people to tell Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto to vote “no” on the $3.5 trillion spending package that is currently stalled in Congress? Why waste your time? Every single resident in this state could tell her to vote against this boondoggle, and it would not make one bit of difference. Like most politicians, she is going to vote the way party leaders tell her to vote, regardless of what her constituents might want. And we call this a “representative” government?

LETTER: Don’t believe latest presidential poll on Nevada

Your Tuesday editorial referenced polls showing Trump leading Biden in Nevada by double digits. As someone who has taught statistics and research methods, I have serious problems with the surveys.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.