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LETTER: Clark County School District plan won’t work

The cockamamie plan for opening Clark County schools approved by the district school board proves only one thing: The ones running the show have little or no classroom experience. To expect children to be in a classroom two days and online learning at home for three days is ludicrous. Even the most inexperienced classroom teacher can see that this fractured environment would be totally lacking the structure required to maintain an adequate learning environment.

I am sure that teachers will, unfortunately, still be held accountable for progression in learning even though both of their hands have been tied behind their backs by this plan. Protecting our children is of vital importance but not to the point of expecting them to learn in this unstructured plan.

A much better plan would be to split the day into sessions that reduce class size for social distancing and keep consistency in the child’s learning environment. As many as three sessions could be held a day, depending on the age of the child. Online learning can still be an option to parents who want it but not as part of a regular schedule. Teachers would have consistency in their schedule as well, which would assist them in their lesson planning.

As it stands, this plan will, at most, marginally succeed and most likely fail. Unfortunately, the administrative curriculum planners and school board members are not experienced enough in what is needed for a conducive learning environment. This plan is destined to only frustrate classroom teachers and place their students further behind in their education.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.