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LETTER: Democrats have lost the working class

The same people who voted for Barack Obama twice, Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden for president are now considered racist for voting for Glenn Youngkin over Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race. Thank you, CNN and MSNBC, for clarifying that for us. It had nothing to do with the fact that Mr. Youngkin spoke and appealed to the people’s kitchen-table issues — i.e., how much is my turkey going to cost, how am I going to get to work if I can’t afford gasoline and what are you teaching my children in school?

Meanwhile Mr. McAuliffe told parents and voters never to question his authority and to fall in line with his beliefs.

As time goes by, the demographics tend to shift between the two ruling parties. While the Democratic Party was once considered the champion of the working man, it has now become the speaker for elitists and the rich. The Republican Party, should it keep its focus, is beginning to fill that void with the working class.

As I learned in my political science classes, there will always be a fringe of 20 percent on either end of the spectrum. It is, however, the middle 60 percent who will elect their representatives. So here’s a unique proposition: Why not talk and listen to that 60 percent if you are seeking public office? Or is that not where the money lies?

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.