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LETTER: Desalination would help the American Southwest

The dire water situation facing the Colorado River’s lower-basin states is always in our face. All those responsible for making water available for essential life needs cannot agree upon a solution to increase the water supply.

Our nation has the technology to harness the atom, send people to the moon, send exploratory orbiters to outer space, make sophisticated computers and develop Artificial Intelligence. To accomplish the aforementioned, trillions of dollars have been spent. Billions of dollars are also been spent each year on foreign aid. So with the technology we have and the money available, why can’t we find a solution to the water problem in Southern Nevada, Arizona and the farmlands in parts of California?

Desalination plants in places around the world have solved water issues in desert nations.

It is hard to understand why the state elected representatives from Nevada, Arizona, and California have not approached the federal representatives from those states to build a desalination plant on the Pacific shore and lay pipelines from the plant to Nevada, Arizona and California. The cost of such a project will not be trillions of dollars.

We find millions of dollars to partially fund a rail line from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and to build a baseball stadium on the Strip. We cannot put the same effort into requesting funding for a desalination plant?

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.