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LETTER: Dog killers deserve harsh punishment

As a concerned citizen who believes in justice and the protection of vulnerable beings, I believe it is imperative that our court system and prosecutors send a strong, clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated, especially in the case of Reba the bulldog who was left to die imprisoned inside a plastic bin in triple-digit heat this past summer (Dec. 7 Review-Journal).

The defendants’ actions not only inflicted physical harm upon an innocent animal, but also violated the moral principles that uphold the dignity of all living beings.

Such acts of cruelty undermine the safety and well-being of our communities, as studies consistently show a disturbing link between animal abuse and violence against humans.

Given the severity of this offense and the distressing nature of the evidence presented, it is crucial that the court impose the maximum sentence allowed by law with no probation or plea deals.

In addition to the direct harm caused to the abused animal, it is important to consider the broader impact on society. Allowing such behavior to go unpunished or inadequately punished would set a dangerous precedent and fail to protect those who cannot defend themselves. The sentencing in this case will help shape the cultural and legal standards for how animal abuse is addressed in the future.

A strong and just punishment for those found guilty of animal abuse is necessary to deter future occurrences of such heinous acts and to demonstrate that our legal system takes these matters with the utmost seriousness.

LETTER: Aaron Ford gets ahead of himself

Telegraphing political ambition — as Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford has done — is a glaring warning to the electorate that the governor’s mansion is only a stepping stone to even higher office.

LETTER: Trump, Obama and deportations

According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics, Mr. Obama focused his attention on the interior of the country, where illegals had been living for 10 to 20 years. Mr. Trump, however, focused his enforcement on recent arrivals, which included a higher percentage of criminal offenders.

LETTER: Political violence is bad, but …

I agree with the Sunday column by Victor Joecks decrying political violence. He ignores, however, this country was founded on political violence.

LETTER: The tragic death of Brandon Durham

If there were ever a case where discrimination is not a factor, it is this one. Stop reaching for the easy way out and the path to easy money.