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LETTER: Donald Trump executive order could hurt Las Vegas tourism

Rick Velotta’s Jan. 31 article, “Las Vegas tourism officials concerned Trump order may affect visitation,” was a harrowing look at how the president’s action on refugees and travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries may have unforeseen consequences for our tourism economy.

As a co-chair of the U.S. House Travel and Tourism caucus, I concur with Billy Vassiliadis’s remarks about the negative impact this will have on my district.

Of the 43 million people who spent $9.7 billion in Las Vegas last year, international tourists accounted for roughly 20 percent of visitors. These folks spend more at restaurants, stay longer in hotels, and are more likely to see a show, visit Hoover Dam and travel through Nevada to see the Grand Canyon. That translates into more jobs and more revenues to fund our schools, roads, veterans’ facilities, emergency responders and other services in the state.

President Trump’s order sends a signal to the rest of the world that we don’t want them to visit. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Las Vegas needs, wants and appreciates their business.

LETTER: Highways will go the way of the horse and buggy

I personally can’t wait to give up the soporific scenery, racetrack-like mentality and beautiful Baker bathroom stops of the Interstate 15 car commute in favor of a sleek, smooth train.

LETTER: Soros funding campus protests

George Soros would like nothing more than to see a complete deterioration of the United States.