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LETTER: Donald Trump is not above the law

In his Tuesday column, Rich Lowry opines that it is un-American to prosecute Donald Trump for repeated fraudulent illegal activities. Mr. Lowry failed to mention that Mr. Trump had previously been found guilty of fraud in the way he ran his so-called university.

He also failed to mention that Mr. Trump had previously been found guilty of running a fraudulent charity.

He has now been found guilty of fraud in running his real estate business. Mr. Lowry does not argue that Mr. Trump did not commit fraud. It is clear that he did. Repeatedly. He just finds it unfair that a public prosecutor caught him.

Mr. Lowry also complains that the man who boasted about grabbing women by their genitals was found by a jury to have done just that and then defamed her. Mr. Lowry doesn’t argue that Mr. Trump didn’t commit these activities. He just argues that it is un-American that he be prosecuted for them.

Being punished for serially flouting the law is not un-American. That no one is above the law is the foundation of American justice.

LETTER: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

It seems clear that, left on his own, Mr. Biden is no longer capable of functioning independently and this is likely one of the reasons why he has not participated in many media interviews during his presidency.

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?