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LETTER: Donald Trump, Republicans want to kill Obamacare

Can someone please tell “we the people” when President Donald Trump and the Republican health care plan will be coming out if the Supreme Court repeals Obamacare?

President Trump has said for three-and-a-half years that, in two weeks, our health care plan will be ready and that it will be better, cheaper and feature lower drug costs than Obamacare.

The Republican Party has tried for eight years to repeal — and, they say, replace — Obamacare. Well, If the Supreme Court repeals Obamacare, what plan will the Republicans replace it with and when? Taking away Obamacare and having nothing to replace it with is not good for the people.

LETTER: Don’t believe latest presidential poll on Nevada

Your Tuesday editorial referenced polls showing Trump leading Biden in Nevada by double digits. As someone who has taught statistics and research methods, I have serious problems with the surveys.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.