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LETTER: Editorial cartoon on Biden’s age was fair game

Sunday letter writer Jean Younker is upset at a Michael Ramirez cartoon that poked fun at Joe Biden and his lack of mobility as he ages. Ms. Younker said that we all know people in our lives who have needed assistance as the aging process took its toll, and we should thus be more sensitive.

While much of that is true, I do not personally know anyone who is clearly impacted by aging, with cognitive disabilities and mobility issues, running for president at age 81. If you are running for president, you understand that your life, character and flaws will be exposed. You better be ready to take it. Mr. Biden’s age and his diminishing mental acuity should be on the mind of every voter. Voting for Mr. Biden while not wishing to consider this issue is not being sensitive, it is being reckless.

LETTER: No need for an SOS on Social Security

The functional reality is that members of Congress need to keep Social Security alive or they will be voted out of office.

LETTER: Donald Trump and the kangaroo courts

The objective is to show that Mr. Trump is not a nice person, and with biased judges and juries, the verdicts are already determined.