LETTER: In Washington, D.C., failure is no problem
April 30, 2022 - 9:01 pm
Anthony Fauci has spent more than four decades in Washington, D.C., waiting for his moment in the sun — and he dropped the ball. No masks, one mask, two masks, natural immunity isn’t effective, vaccines will prevent you from getting COVID, the pandemic is over … sorry, no, it’s not.
Fifty so-called intelligence experts declared Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation.” Well, we all know how that turned out.
As for Joe Biden, more than five decades in Washington, D.C., morphing from a mediocre politician into a mediocre president.
All of these swamp creatures had just “one” job. Let me repeat: They all had one task, one function, one mission, one responsibility, one assignment, one singular duty — yet they still couldn’t perform to standard. Only in Washington, D.C., can you fail so spectacularly and continue to live high on the hog at taxpayer expense.