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LETTER: Joe Biden hits a home run at correspondents dinner

I guarantee there will be no critical comment from the Review-Journal on President Joe Biden’s remarkable and humorous monologue at the White House correspondents dinner on Saturday. If he had stammered, misused a word, etc., the RJ, Michael Ramirez and Fox News would be devouring Mr. Biden like a hobo receiving a ham sandwich. But Mr. Biden had the timing equal to a professional comic. He was self-deprecating and handled the audience perfectly.

Your idol, Donald Trump, never attended these dinners. He was so thin-skinned, he could not handle “insults,” as Mr. Biden did, laughing at Trevor Noah’s “mockery.” The president sure showed aplomb.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.