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LETTER: Joe Biden loves his economy

President Joe Biden says our economy is robust and recovering great. Let me point out how his economy is affecting the middle class here in Las Vegas ever since he destroyed our energy independence with his executive orders in his first days in office.

Between March 2021 and March 2023 the net price of natural gas has gone up 100 percent per therm, the net price of electricity has gone up 55 percent per kilowatt/hour and gasoline has gone up 35 percent. During the past 10 days, gasoline has gone up another 20 cents a gallon.

These price increases directly affect the price of every item or service that we buy. I can only expect another big jump in Social Security checks.

As Mr. Biden’s administration pushes us toward EVs — without an in-depth plan to significantly increase the supply of electricity, to greatly increase the integrity of the electric grid and to massively increase the availability of high-level charging stations — this program is doomed to failure. Solar and wind are not going to make it.

A good slogan for Biden’s re-election should be: Vote for me and I’ll give you free!

LETTER: A veteran reflects on Memorial Day

This is the quiet time. This is not a time for joy, parties and festivities. It is a time for reflection. A time to honor, to remember, to grieve.

LETTER: Americans need a break from the rat race

The 32-hour workweek recently proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders presents an opportunity to reflect on the hidden costs of our workplace culture.