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LETTER: Joe Manchin is just representing the people who elected him

Sen. Joe Manchin has been continually “raked over the coals” for his “lack of loyalty.” A senator’s oath of office makes no mention of “loyalty.” The overriding emphasis is to “defend the Constitution.”

The members of the Senate are not part of a social club with a secret handshake. They are elected by the voters of their particular state to serve in the best interest of the voters of that state. The only common thread they share with members of their political party (be it Republican or Democrat) is a similar political philosophy.

A senator’s party is similar to a box of chocolates: They all like chocolate, but, the “filling” of one may better serve the constituents of their state. If a senator’s vote corresponds to the Constitution and benefits the state they represent, he or she will get my vote.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.