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LETTER: Loyalty to Trump over the loyalty to the Constitution

In response to Debra J. Saunders’ Wednesday column “Trump shows loyalty is everything”: Putting loyalty to Donald Trump above loyalty to the Constitution and our country is troubling. But that is the whole MAGA movement in a nutshell. This is how democracy dies and autocracy begins. Everyone in this country should be concerned about Mr. Trump’s desire for loyalty first. Remember, our country was founded because we no longer wanted to be loyal to a king. So careful what you wish for, Trump voters.

LETTER: Star-struck Nevada lawmakers

The legislation, as proposed, calls for $1.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies over 20 years. It will create a “projected” 7,500 jobs? That’s $253,330 taxpayers will pay for each job.

LETTER: The broken teacher evaluation system

The odds of a failing teacher, tucked comfortably under the blanket of the teachers union, being let go are approximately 100 million to 1.

LETTER: Signs, signs everywhere there’s signs

We Nevada voters had presented to us a bumper crop of examples of campaign signs using distortions, strawmen and appeals to fear, to name just a few.

LETTER: Want open primaries in Nevada?

Start calling your Democratic lawmakers.