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LETTER: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Looks like the new Pac 12 will simply be the old Mountain West conference. So what’s the point? It’s hard to see any value added if the same old teams are still playing each other. The only thing that changes is the conference name. Seems like a lot of money to dish out for a new conference name. I don’t think it’s going to make any difference in the revenue. The media buyers will be saying it’s the same old teams.

I think this business of schools chasing TV revenues by bolting to a new conference has finally jumped the shark.

LETTER: Can’t we all just get along?

Funny how, when the left is no longer in power, they want to play nice in the sandbox.

LETTER: Donald Trump and Bizzaro World

The criminal-elect has nominated a fellow criminal to investigate criminals.

LETTER: It’s a jungle on our roads

I am considering a bumper sticker that reads “Slow down, the coroner will wait.”

LETTER: Colleges have become daycare centers

Georgetown offered Legos, coloring at a post-election day “Self-Care Suite” for students to deal with “stressful times.”

LETTER: Star-struck Nevada lawmakers

The legislation, as proposed, calls for $1.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies over 20 years. It will create a “projected” 7,500 jobs? That’s $253,330 taxpayers will pay for each job.