LETTER: More debate about the Jan. 6 riots
August 13, 2021 - 9:00 pm
In his Aug. 10 letter challenging Charles Shrout — who posted a letter saying that the Jan. 6 Washington rally was “mostly peaceful” protest marred by a “few bad apples” — Richard Strickland writes, “Open your eyes or perhaps your mind, Mr. Shrout. There was nothing peaceful about it. How about we have a bit of truth out of you Republicans for a change?”
Mr. Strickland then goes on to comment that, “We Democrats have many issues we can talk about. We hardly need to make one up.”
May I respectfully point out that, per the FBI, there were approximately 100,000 participants present at the rally on the Washington Mall. Of those 100,000 people, a total of, to this date, 605 people have been arrested for entering the U.S. Capital building. It does not take a mathematical genius to know that .00605 percent is a very small portion of all who attended, particularly when 99.99395 percent of them obeyed the law.
May I also point out that we Republicans also have many issues that we would love to discuss but would prefer to do it based on actual fact and without prevarication.