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LETTER: More questionable ethics in local government

Once again, a public servant in Clark County has demonstrated questionable ethics and taken advantage of taxpayers. Apparently former Clark County coroner John Fudenberg took time off without reporting it then claimed the same hours as vacation payout owed to him when he left office — a nice $20,000 bonus included in a nearly $175,000 retirement package (Sunday Review Journal).

Assistant County Manager Jeff Wells is quoted as saying, “We don’t make department heads punch a clock. I don’t micromanage.” Since when is asking an employee to let his boss know when he is not coming in to work micromanaging? Many companies give managers flexibility in paid time off but don’t allow them to accumulate unused hours from year to year. It’s sick leave or vacation, and it’s use it or lose it.

Why does government have such little fiscal accountability? Because we taxpayers who pay the bills have no control over the generous pensions and severance payouts public employees continue to receive. A CEO’s performance is judged on his or her ability to improve the company’s bottom line. Where is the accountability for those in government?

LETTER: Highways will go the way of the horse and buggy

I personally can’t wait to give up the soporific scenery, racetrack-like mentality and beautiful Baker bathroom stops of the Interstate 15 car commute in favor of a sleek, smooth train.

LETTER: Soros funding campus protests

George Soros would like nothing more than to see a complete deterioration of the United States.