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LETTER: Nevada Democrats losing working-class, Latino support

As a proud resident of Las Vegas and a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, I am disappointed with my party’s work in the run-up to the 2022 midterms. Our city has always been one of promise, growth and prosperity. But we are no fools.

Gov. Steve Sisolak and Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto failed to articulate the kind of clear, positive message that made Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton so compelling to our voters. I struggled to find the kind of policy proposals that energize grassroots voters to talk to their neighbors and turn out to vote. Instead, in a tough economic climate that has disproportionately hit our great state, our party leadership chose attacks and the pesky variety of politics that turns off so many.

In particular, I believe this played out on a large scale in the Latino community, which has so long found a home in the Democratic base. This is a major problem for our party’s long-term viability in this perennial swing state. Divisive social issues being what they are, our candidates failed to put forth an inclusive economic vision to drive turnout in the rank and file.

Nevada has every reason to lean blue. At its core, a diverse, working-class electorate is showing fading support. I believe the Democratic leadership in Nevada should take heed of this message before it is too late. Nevada will need to show up for President Joe Biden in two years — and the work starts now.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.