LETTER: Nevada Legislature needs to find a solution for roof-top solar industry
February 7, 2017 - 9:00 pm
As the state Legislature goes into session, we here in Nevada need to make our voices heard to bring back affordable roof-top solar power. Over the past year, the Public Utilities Commission bent over backward to accommodate NV Energy and literally killed 9,000 jobs by bringing a total halt to roof-top solar.
We have been subsidizing coal, oil and natural gas for many years. But when it comes to solar, somehow providing subsidies became a bad thing to do.
Renewable energy is the future. We are behind the curve with other states and countries that are far ahead of Nevada in producing long-term power via solar and wind generation. We have an abundance of sun and wind. Contact your legislators and ask them to find a solution that includes roof-top solar for power users in Nevada.