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LETTER: Nevada’s shoddy education system

Your Oct. 19 editorial on the “Influx from the Golden State ”reminded me of an incident that happened about 15 years ago. I am a local real estate agent and our company was hired to help a major company move from the southeast to Las Vegas. Many of the employees had an option to remain in the southeast or move with their families to Las Vegas.

Part of our job was to introduce them to the area, most importantly, the education available for their children. Many did an investigation regarding the school system on their own. Unfortunately, some of them decided not to move because of the general condition of the Clark County School District.

I don’t believe the system has gotten any better. Just look at about what’s going on with funding of our schools and, in some cases, the condition of our schools. Don’t fool yourself: Those thinking about moving here will be thinking how they are going to educate their children. Many will change their minds and look at other options.

LETTER: Democrats vow to obstruct the Trump administration

Democrats are showing their true colors by not losing with grace and character, understanding why they lost and taking steps within the party to improve their image and actions.