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LETTER: Red light cameras in Las Vegas won’t work

Red light cameras have proven ineffective in improving road safety or reducing accidents in Los Angeles and across the country. Las Vegas is leading the country in unemployment. It is not appropriate that the sheriff and county commissioners are considering raising taxes on working families in this era of high inflation. Traffic enforcement starts with vehicles having a license plate, compliance of which remains incomplete, to put it mildly.

LETTER: The Trump assassination attempt

The evil enemy within kills or tries to kill the ones who are good for the country.

LETTER: Fight, fight, fight!

Instead of being in shock, a normal human reaction, or cowering behind Secret Service, he pumped his fist telling the crowd to, “Fight, fight, fight.”

LETTER: Finally, an uplifting news story

It touched my heart to read the story of Kit Herron and her plight when she was not able to afford a new air conditioning unit

LETTER: Joe Biden is playing the long game

All the Democrats in the Capitol whining and scheming to remove Mr. Biden from the ballot are being short-sighted. Joe is about to outfox them all.