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LETTER: Rent control isn’t the answer for Nevada

While rent control may be a popular political solution to rapidly rising rental costs, it makes no economic sense. In the face of declining profits and higher expenses, builders will be less likely to construct more units, thus worsening an existing supply problem.

Landlords are also more likely to defer maintenance as a way of maintaining their profits, creating a housing quality problem as units fall into decline.

The only real answer to rising rents is to massively increase the actual supply of multifamily units. Over time, this will result in lower rental rates due to the law of supply and demand. Local governments should reserve and make available federal land under the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act for the construction of affordable housing units. The state should massively increase its low-income housing tax credit program and incentivize large employers, such as the casinos, to purchase those tax credits as a means of creating housing for their workers and to provide the necessary equity so that those multifamily units can be financed and constructed.

Building more rental units will take a concerted effort by the whole community, including zoning changes to expedite the approval process and construction of critically needed multifamily units.

LETTER: The carbon-spewing Biden family

Climate change is an existential threat to mankind, animals and plants. Why doesn’t the Biden family lead the way?

LETTER: The Trump show trial

Remember, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi and Sir Thomas More — all innocent men — were also declared to be guilty.

LETTER: No conspiracy involving Hunter’s laptop

The R-J should acknowledge that Mr. Trump’s lies, frauds, defamations, criminal indictments and convictions are exponentially worse than Hunter’s laptop being evidence or any of the other alleged Biden missteps.

LETTER: Trump tries to win Nevada

Mr. Trump advocating for tax-free tip income is definitely one approach to winning Nevada. But my tip to Mr. Trump is to pick Marco Rubio and show the diversity of the GOP.

LETTER: Red Rock development ‘compromise’ is depressing

Red Rock Canyon is a fragile natural wonder. To claim that 3,500 homes and the traffic that goes with them, and changing the nature of the watershed, will not negatively impact the area is absurd.

LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here.