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LETTER: Republicans laughing at Paul Pelosi

In my youth, I attended a summer camp that had various inspirational sayings on posters in the dining hall. The only one I have remembered after 50 years is, “You can tell a person’s character by what they laugh at.”

As we have learned of the terrifying ordeal Paul Pelosi endured, the meaning of those words became increasingly clearer, more meaningful and even more disturbing in their relevance. There are some citizens of our country who probably feel they are “good people” yet are willing to laugh at the brutal assault of an elderly gentleman and make light of its significance to the democratic process in our country. These same people are willing to let themselves be led by those whose moral compasses are compromised by lies, extremism and ideals far afield from the tenets of democracy.

Our democratic form of government and our system of justice are being threatened. These institutions protect us from the tyranny of our leaders and the lawlessness of fellow citizens. We laugh at our peril and have to question the moral character of those who do.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.