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LETTER: Restorative justice is a failure in Nevada

Restorative justice is a sham. There is no reason to employ it in Clark County schools. Restorative justice stops punishment for students needing correction. It is what produced the horrific Parkland school shooting in Florida, just as it produced last year’s rape and attempted murder of a Clark County teacher, as well as the viral video, which drew national attention, of a female district student being viciously beaten until she was unconscious.

There is no fixing this hyper-compassion for the violent student and disregard for the victim. Restorative justice is based on lies. There is no school-to-prison pipeline in Nevada for certain races of students. Assembly bills 285 and 194 are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

A repeal of the 2019 Restorative justice law is the true remedy. Politicians, especially Democrats, do not like to admit their policy is harming people, so we must ignore their protests. When a miscreant student realizes his punishment is going to be easy and light, then his criminality is accelerated.

Restorative justice is recidivist justice. If Clark County citizens desire more of the status quo until we have our own Parkland shooter, then they should continue to embrace the district’s defunding of the police via restorative justice. If, however, they desire peaceful and orderly schools, they will rid this valley of the nostrums of leftist ideology and repeal the 2019 law in its entirety.

LETTER: Holding Israel to a higher standard

War is ugly, and a lot of innocents suffer as a result. But you need to look to the ones who started it all for any vindictiveness, not the ones who are responding.

LETTER: Ukraine, Gaza have key differences

Russia’s land grab is intentionally targeting the civilian population while the Israeli military is doing its best to avoid civilian deaths after a horrific attack.

LETTER: The ticking time bomb

For a decade, our leaders have ignored the soaring national debt.