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LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here. We should be worried that ships potentially carrying hypersonic missiles and subs possibly carrying atomic warheads are so close. Like Donald Trump or not, this never happened on his watch.

Democrats claim Republicans are warmongers. This is the second time we’ve come close to nuclear war, both times during Democratic presidencies. Joe Biden is no JFK. This is a weak administration. The world is laughing at us. Our leaders should show strength instead of weakness and frailty.

I hope cooler heads prevail, but for the media to downplay this because it’s the candidate of their choice who is putting us in harm’s way is a disgrace.

LETTER: NV Energy’s shell game with rates

NV Energy’s press release word salad on rate hikes would make the White House press secretary proud

LETTER: Trump driving the country on the road to ruin

I delayed any judgement on Donald Trump for 30 days to see how his decisions affected our citizens and country. I am very afraid about what he is doing to our country.