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LETTER: Slimy GOP governors exploit poor migrants

Regarding Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his crony, Gov. Greg Abbot of Texas:

It matters not if it’s $12, $1,200, $12,000 or $12 million. It is inexcusable that a person in a leadership position would enact a plan endangering the lives (not to mention jeopardizing every INS case) of frightened migrants who were following the legal process to claim asylum in the country with this stunt flight designed to pander to a political base built upon bigotry, racism and intolerance.

Regardless of how, when or why each of these people came here, a ruling on the merits of the individual cases has yet to take place and, as human beings, they deserve to be treated with respect and humanity, not used by slimy politicians to promote an agenda.

I applaud the people of Martha’s Vineyard who unconditionally stepped up to offer assistance. That is what I was brought up to see as “true” American patriotism; that is what I was brought up to see as acting “Christ-like” toward those less fortunate.

Yes, we have a huge immigration problem. So do many countries. Americans think this is unique to us. Not so. It happens in many places. Other places even face refugee crises the likes of which we’ve never seen, and they find humane ways to support those people.

Yes, we have issues with border crossings. But we also have myriad inequalities in the system, all of which should be reviewed and resolved. I know what a challenge immigration can be. I have immigrants in my own family and many close friends originally from outside the United States.

Do I think we should we work on fixing the system? Yes. Do I think we should do it in a way that is fair and equitable? Yes. At the same time, I believe we should treat everyone with respect and humanity.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.