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LETTER: State’s climate strategy needs to be implemented immediately

Last summer’s seemingly endless heat and the continued rainlessness in Southern Nevada are clear signs: The climate crisis is upon us. That is why I applaud Gov. Steve Sisolak’s Nevada climate strategy as a mandate to act on climate — and to act immediately.

Recent legislation for cleaner transportation and increased clean energy output are excellent first steps. Now it is time to follow-up with specific actions:

1) The swift closure of Nevada’s Valmy and TS Power coal plants.

2) The expedited retirement of gas plants and their replacement with clean energy.

3) A halt to the unnecessary and expensive build-out of fracked gas infrastructure in buildings.

Nevada alone cannot reverse the course of global warming. But with demonstrative action to end our carbon addiction, we can lead the way. Let’s become a model for sustainability.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.

LETTER: Trump or Biden on taxes?

Under Mr. Trump, you paid less. Under Mr. Biden, you’ll pay more.

LETTER: A veteran reflects on Memorial Day

This is the quiet time. This is not a time for joy, parties and festivities. It is a time for reflection. A time to honor, to remember, to grieve.