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LETTER: Tax mining

Eight state senators from Nevada chose maximizing the profits of foreign and out-of-state mining companies over the citizens of Nevada (“Mining tax gains new life, then goes down on party-line vote,” Sunday). Amendments were made to protect smaller mines and direct the money to education.

These state senators bent over backward to make excuses for big mining. They said mining shouldn’t be singled out. Well, then their deductions and their privileged status should be removed entirely from Nevada’s constitution.

Mining companies will use lies and deceptions to avoid paying their fair share for as long as they can get away with it. They hope they can get away with it until the mines are depleted.

They appear to be generous to their local counties, but in reality, they know it’s cheaper to ingratiate themselves with these less populated counties. It’s understandable that Canadian mining companies don’t have any sense of loyalty to Nevada. Those eight state senators who sold us out — that is inexcusable.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.