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LETTER: The federal student loan shell game

In response to your Sunday editorial criticizing student loan forgiveness: Obviously, the elephant in the room is being ignored completely. Why does getting a college education cost so much? It can run $50,000 a year at a state college. Really?

So because the banks and temples of higher education have inflated the price of admission to the point of being unaffordable, the taxpayers are expected to subsidize the whole scam? What reality exists where that makes sense?

So all the folks who have paid off their student loans are going to get a check from the taxpayers just like the people who are getting their debt forgiven, right? Just how deep do the idiots running the asylum think American taxpayers’ pockets are?

Would it be asking too much to have a complete audit of all government spending and figure out how much is not constitutional? I am thinking a bunch of those really nice office buildings in our nation’s capital could be converted into low-cost housing. Further, we could figure out how high to set the national retail sales tax to allow for the funding of our constitutional republic.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.