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LETTER: Trump used tax loopholes?

This faux outrage over what President Donald Trump paid in income taxes would be laughable if it weren’t so hypocritical. Having helped blue-collar and service employees in tax preparation for some 10 years, I can tell you that not one of them ever asked me to forgo a legitimate deduction. No homeowner ever said to not use the mortgage interest or property tax loopholes (deductions). Nor did any offer to not take the tax credit loophole (deduction) for solar panels or electric vehicles.

On the contrary, every one of them expected me to find every legal deduction so as to pay the least amount of taxes or to get the biggest refund. One client, after having won a brand new car at a local casino, was outraged to find that income taxes were required on the money received after selling it.

So spare me the mewling over what others pay in taxes when you (and I) take advantage of every loophole (deduction) IRS rules allow.

LETTER: Don’t believe latest presidential poll on Nevada

Your Tuesday editorial referenced polls showing Trump leading Biden in Nevada by double digits. As someone who has taught statistics and research methods, I have serious problems with the surveys.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.