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LETTER: We don’t need another California idea

Roland Rogers writes to complain that we aren’t enough like California (July 2 letter). He advocates that we use traffic cameras to target drivers. Mr. Rogers is likely another transplant who didn’t like how things were in California, so he comes here to escape. And now want’s us more like California.

The reason we do not use red-light cameras to enforce traffic laws, for instance, is that almost everywhere they have been installed, it has led to two things. One, the yellow gets progressively shorter in order to enhance red light running revenues. Two, because of No. 1, the number of rear-end end collisions at intersections goes through the roof.

Please let us enjoy our state, Mr. Rogers. California would love to have you back.

LETTER: A veteran reflects on Memorial Day

This is the quiet time. This is not a time for joy, parties and festivities. It is a time for reflection. A time to honor, to remember, to grieve.

LETTER: Americans need a break from the rat race

The 32-hour workweek recently proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders presents an opportunity to reflect on the hidden costs of our workplace culture.