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LETTER: What are students doing on college campuses?

A college education was, for many years, considered to be a valuable asset as you strived to attain a desired position among the various professions that a degree would allow you to pursue. That was years ago. Now we seem to be destroying the significance of the work that used to be essential to achieving that degree.

No longer does it mean anything to excel within your selected field of study. Not within the criteria and standards of today’s world. Nowadays a college degree seems much less valued in the workforce — and rightly so. Colleges and universities have become avenues of opportunity to express resentment (especially in New York) toward the government and the communities that have supported you and provided for your freedom as you grew into the protester that you’ve become.

“From the river to the sea” indeed. And, while we’re at it, let’s have America — yes, America — pay for your education. Right, Joe?

LETTER: NV Energy’s shell game with rates

NV Energy’s press release word salad on rate hikes would make the White House press secretary proud

LETTER: Trump driving the country on the road to ruin

I delayed any judgement on Donald Trump for 30 days to see how his decisions affected our citizens and country. I am very afraid about what he is doing to our country.