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LETTER: Which is scarier on Halloween? Mask or no mask?

Regarding “Boo! Or Boo-Hoo?” by Jason Bracelin in the Sunday Review-Journal: It used to be that a kid in a costume and a scary mask would go trick-or-treating and scare homeowners and renters with his ghoulish garb. Today, however, if he goes out without a mask, he’s likely to cause a heart attack to candy-givers.

What strange times.

LETTER: Don’t believe latest presidential poll on Nevada

Your Tuesday editorial referenced polls showing Trump leading Biden in Nevada by double digits. As someone who has taught statistics and research methods, I have serious problems with the surveys.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.