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LETTER: Why are taxpayers on the hook in death?

I recently read a Review-Journal article about the unfortunate death of a young family member at the hands of a criminal fleeing police. According to your Jan. 31 report, the Clark County School District Police were chasing a teen driver, who hit and struck another vehicle, killing the other driver. The story said that the family of the dead young man was suing the school district and the school police but not the person or family of the driver who caused the death.

Every one of us feels for the family of the person who was killed. But I do not feel that I should be financially responsible for this tragedy.

The school district and the school police have no money. We, through our taxes, are the ones being sued. Maybe the persons responsible for these crimes should be the ones penalized and sued. Or are they not held responsible because suing public institutions is a no-brainer because they always settle with our money?

LETTER: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

It seems clear that, left on his own, Mr. Biden is no longer capable of functioning independently and this is likely one of the reasons why he has not participated in many media interviews during his presidency.

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?