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LETTER: Women still face so many inequities

In our society, women have often been viewed as “less” or not important in the work force. But new and previous generations have contributed to prove that we definitely are necessary in the work force. Studies have shown that women make about 8 percent less than men. Our dollar is 92 cents when compared to a man’s dollar. On top of that, women’s products are often much more expensive.

For instance, I saw a men’s shampoo bottle priced at $5.68 and a women’s at $8.39 — and the men’s bottle held 48 percent more. This is common, and it needs to change.

Women have had to work so hard in order to prove ourselves, and we still are being punished for it. When is there going to be a global change in the way we are treated? Women even deal with harassment in the workforce when all we are trying to do is provide for our families.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.