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LETTERS: Early education initiatives are about Nevada’s children and our future

In response to Victor Joecks’ Sunday column, “Pre-K returns don’t justify spending”: His commentary is full of inaccuracies and attempts to pick out random points while leaving out the overwhelming benefits of early childhood education.

Mr. Joecks does not mention the brain development research that demonstrates the critical importance of quality care in the early years. Children who are at risk most often enter kindergarten already well behind their peers. These children need to be surrounded by language and literacy rich environments along with consistent, warm and caring adults in order to be successful in school and life.

Unfortunately, the majority of working families cannot afford the quality of care all children deserve. Nevada is ranked 50th of all states in preschool enrollment and near last in education. Every other state understands the importance of early childhood education.

For your further information, the Children’s Advocacy Alliance is a nonpartisan, nonprofit that works for the well being of Nevada’s children. There have been many economic analyses of Pre-K, some which show more than a $7 return on investment. This is not politics, this is our children and our future. Nevada should not settle for last.

LETTER: Order in the classroom

Even with a new interim superintendent and $281 million just for textbooks and supplies, Clark County students will not be learning as they could and should due to unruly classroom behavior.

LETTER: Instead of abortion, how about birth control?

It is mind-boggling that the most important issue some voters are concerned about is the ability of a mother to abort her unborn child.

LETTER: Why did Question 3 include ranked-choice?

I voted “yes” on Question 3, not for ranked-choice voting, but for a voice in the primary elections as an independent voter.

LETTER: Las Vegas is closed

We don’t need to build more housing for Californians.

LETTER: Reading is fundamental

When kids graduate from high school nowadays — if they graduate — they read at about a third-grade level and comprehension.

LETTERS: Democrats get what they deserved

The future looks bright again for the United States given that some competent people will be taking over for this present group of non-achievers.

LETTER: Do our politicians care what we think?

Don’t expect much, if anything, from our elected officials. Then you won’t be let down when their performance is less than stellar.