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More pandering to those who commit crimes

Sandra Chereb’s Friday story, “Panel says some felony charges ripe for reform,” illustrates just how out of touch those on the political left truly are.

An advisory commission was formed to study prison sentences and ultimately reduce sentences for those who commit crimes. Who knows how much this study will cost the taxpayers — not to mention the hours spent on this endeavor.

The discussion centers on reclassifying certain felonies, including those involving Schedule 1 drugs such as heroin, Ecstasy and LSD — you know, the very drugs that are destroying lives. And, most incredibly, burglary is on the list. I wonder if any of these people have ever had their house broken into and had cherished and valuable property taken away by a thief.

I find it troubling that so much time, effort and money is devoted to those who knowingly, willingly and consciously choose to be criminals. And yet the innocent, law-abiding, responsible citizen is completely ignored. This is what leftist liberals do.

William C. Dwyer

Las Vegas

Bad idea

Should the state school voucher program clear the legal hurdle and the 8,000 applications move forward, would that mean about one fewer student in the public schools per class taught? So now a class of 30 students would be a class of 29. Would that give the public school any benefit? I don’t think so, but a loss of $42 million certainty would hurt.

The public schools should be fully funded and separate from the voucher program. Meanwhile, the state is making a lot of Mercedes payments for lawyers to defend this bad idea.

Wayne Colla

Boulder City

Angry voter

Regarding Sean Whaley’s Aug. 5 story “Justices block ‘solar’ ballot measure: Everyone in my household is disgusted with the Nevada Supreme Court decision to block the ability of voters to weigh in on the proposed referendum to restore net-metering rates.

My legally signed agreement was voided by the Public Utilities Commission without any regard for me and thousands of others who shelled out their hard-earned money to utilize an established cost recovery method to offset the initial high purchase price. The PUC should have given the people affected by this wholesale reversal of the established rates a chance to have a voice on this issue prior to the board’s decision. Instead, we were “sold down the river.” And now, thanks to wording the state Supreme Court considered “misleading” and “argumentative,” nothing will be on the ballot for us to vote on.

I am disgusted with the governor, the PUC and NV Energy. I have no political recourse left — no state representative in the Legislature, no one running for the right to step up to the plate and represent Nevadans. So I will make my own choice. I will run my AC unit and pool pump during the day. I will also vote against the governor who appointed the members of the PUC and every state legislator who is up for re-election this year — and against everyone else when they come up for re-election in years to come.

Carl Martin

Las Vegas

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?

LETTER: America’s gun culture

We as Americans have been left with no other choice but to learn how we can protect our families.

LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

If you are pro-choice, be careful for whom you vote. Don’t be fooled. A vote for any Republican going to Congress is a vote to ban choice.

LETTER: Thanks a lot, Joe Biden

Three years ago, the White House and its liberal economists told us inflation is “transitory.” It’s just taking 30 times longer to transition than they estimated.