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More poor test results from Nevada and the Clark County School District

Nevada aims to create a more diverse economy by offering tax incentives to high-tech companies to relocate their operations and higher-paying, brain-oriented jobs to the Silver State. These jobs require a strong local employment base with an educated workforce ready to step in. And what does our public education system offer? Stagnant ACT test scores for the third straight year (Wednesday Review-Journal).

Of the 34,000 students statewide who took the test last year, a meager 10 percent — or 3,400 high school students — are considered “college ready.” Are you kidding me? Why would I move my company here? I will be required to import the people who can perform these jobs.

Without a doubt, the blame lies clearly at the feet of numerous organizations: the state’s school districts, most notably the Clark County School District; the elected trustees who are more interested in their “power” than results; the protective teachers union, which support tenure over competence; major local businesses, casinos included, that fail to demand high-caliber, educated students; and, last but not least, the parents who do not demand a strong, disciplined school environment aimed at preparing their children for job opportunities and who fail to get involved with their children’s education.

The results are crystal clear. It is time now for a major overhaul of the Nevada public school system — something much, much more than the soon-to-be implemented breaking up of the Clark County School District. Doing the same thing over and over with the same or worse result is the definition of insanity and stupidity.

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