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Native Nevadans have no interest in Yucca Mountain

In response to Larry Cole’s May 4 letter to the Review-Journal on nuclear waste:

It would seem that Mr. Cole welcomes having nuclear waste dumped in Nevada when he says, “An enormous amount of study led to Yucca Mountain being selected as the most logical site for safe storage. It’s time that we stop the political bickering and do what is best for the country.”

Although he states that he lives in North Las Vegas, I wonder how long he has lived in Nevada. No native Nevadan I have ever met wants a nuclear dump in the state. It is usually some transplant from the East or West Coast who wants to dump his garbage here.

Nuclear waste is vile, dangerous and belongs elsewhere. It should stay where it is: with those who generate such waste and in their respective communities. Let them reap the benefits of having a dump in their state. We have no nuclear plants in Nevada, so why should we have to accept the waste of other states?

Nevadans have had to endure years of nuclear and other testing that has left regions of our state uninhabitable for generations to come. It is time to stop treating Nevada as the bastard stepchild who has endured years of abuse.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.