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No defense for actions of Bundy protesters

In response to the Aug 16 letter from Jennifer Anderson, “Tilted scales”:

Ms. Anderson attempts to defend accused Bundy co-conspirator Eric Parker, but it is clear in her second-to-last paragraph that she completely disproves her long explained point — and then convicts him herself. To quote her verbatim, “He was present at the standoff and consequently guilty of interfering with the government’s roundup of cattle on public land.” How completely correct.

The Bundy family was utilizing public land, owned by us all and managed by the BLM. They repeatedly refused to pay reasonable grazing fees, and court judgments against Mr. Bundy were ignored. The government was completely justified in attempting to remove the cattle. To say Mr. Parker is being denied a fair trial because his motives have been ruled inadmissible by Judge Navarro is a juvenile argument.

There are avenues for redress of grievances against the government, and I’m sure that aiming your .223 assault weapon from an overpass at the government employees charged with carrying out the court’s order is not one of them. I don’t care if you’re angry. It is wrong. It is wrong because we are a land of laws, and when laws are ignored, there is no law. Just the two most recent generations of my family total more than 200 years of public service, and counting, whether military, law enforcement, medicine or emergency services. Don’t aim your guns at these people.

If you don’t like it, go through the proper channels. Mob violence, even threatened, welcomes anarchy.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.