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No need to insult all the world’s Muslims

Joseph Schillmoeller (June 15 letter) thinks that refusing to use the phrase “radical Islam” (or “radical Islamic terrorists”) amounts to appeasement. He characterizes it as a way we “bend over backward to avoid saying or doing anything that is even mildly offensive.”

Mildly? Let me try to explain what is wrong with using that phrase.

To my understanding, all Klu Klux Klan members are Christian. So suppose we referred to KKK members as radical Christian terrorists. (The same could apply to the religious fanatics who bomb abortion clinics.) After all, these people really are extreme terrorists who carry out their violence in the name of Christianity.

What do you think would be the reaction of all Christians to this description? They would probably bristle and feel angry as well as insulted that their religion was being mischaracterized or tainted by the actions of a few.

So why would President Obama, Hillary Clinton or any other good person insult the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world based on the actions of a few?

Michael Ollins

Las Vegas

P.C. Police

I would like to commend Joseph Schillmoeller’s June 15 letter, “Let’s stop appeasing Islamic terrorists.”

It is too late for “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.” They are already here. How many Americans have to die before we drop the “political correctness” and start protecting our people? We must pursue any and all leads. We need to listen to citizens who may have seen something suspicious, and stop accusing them of “hate speech.”

We have got to be able to work together, connect the dots and investigate some of these mosques without being shut down by the P.C. Police. When are we going to get serious?

Linda Caterine


Plain folks

What a shame that America’s gifted journalist and writer H.L. Mencken does not have the opportunity to witness the possibility that one of his predictions might come true, with Donald Trump.

As Mencken once said, “On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts’ desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

Dowling G. Campbell

Camp Verde, Ariz.

At a price

In response to the Friday story, “New revenue sweetens soft drink tax for Philly”: Every parent in America should see and think about the photo on page 14A that accompanied the story. It featured a number of mothers in support of the new tax holding up signs that said, “Our kids are worth it.” All these responsible mothers are cheering the government for taking over their responsibilities.

Remembering my childhood in the 1950s, my brothers and I were not allowed to drink any soda — or pop, as we called it — except on rare occasions. Maybe once a month we could have a grape, orange or strawberry (Nehi) soda.

Throughout history, there’s always been someone willing to take over your responsibilities, and there’s always a price for it. It would be wise to understand that price.

David Jaronik


LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.