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Opponents of Education Savings Accounts aren’t against school choice

In regard to Michael Schaus’s May 14 commentary, “Delivering a quality education,” I wish to point out one of the false talking points that those among the pro-ESA constituency keep repeating. Referring to those of us who strongly oppose the idea of the Education Saving Accounts, Mr. Schaus calls us “anti-choice activists.”

He is wrong. While I oppose ESAs, I am not anti-choice.

I am not against a parent’s right to choose to send his child to a private or parochial school. I am opposed to using public education funds to support that choice.

Gov. Brian Sandoval’s attempted end run around the court decision about ESA funding of still amounts to using public funds to pay for private schools. While the proposed funds are not coming from the education portion of the budget, they are still coming out of the public’s pocket.

Mr. Schaus also echoes the tiresome claim that giving more money to public schools will do nothing to elevate our dismal standing nationally. Again, he is wrong.

Putting the $60 million the governor seeks into our public schools will help Clark County find full-time certified teachers to start the school year in our classrooms. It will help create more teaching positions, lessening the burden students have to learn in over-crowded rooms. There are lots of good things that can be done. We won’t go from worst to first, but we will improve.

So, Mr. Schaus, I am not “anti-choice.” Send your kid anywhere you choose. Just don’t ask me to pay for it.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

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