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Befouling the truth and the lives of the needy

Mr. Gorsuch will join the Roberts court’s undefeated GOP team; the 5-4 decisions will continue ad nauseam for possibly 30 years.

United Airlines and common sense

The point is that there are and were other flights and other options for the airline to take to prevent this fiasco from occurring.

Another call to negotiate on Yucca Mountain

oing nothing will represent a missed opportunity on something that will be coming to Nevada in one form or another, anyway.

Fish pedicures a threat to consumer health

It’s not just the fish, the water in which the fish thrive on callous tissue contains numerous amounts of micro-organisms and blood borne viruses.

Republic Services does a great job

I say this was a good extension because you know what you have and it’s not broken so why try to change it?

Joecks column missed the point about church and state

Recent actions though, show that it is Republicans who attempt to shape our government to mirror their particular interpretation of their Bible.

Delving a bit deeper into the so-called ‘pink tax’

I call for a full government cost subsidization of all of the products that we all need to survive in a sanitary and healthy manner. If it gets thrown in the trash or flushed, don’t tax it, subsidize it.

There will be never be another Don Rickles

Thanks to the left’s pathological campaign of political correctness, if he were a newcomer today and put on this skit he would have been ejected from the stage.

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