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LETTER: Victor Joecks’ recent commentary on early education doesn’t tell the whole story

Generally speaking, when children enter kindergarten ready to learn academically, socially, physically and emotionally, savings result from reduced spending in remedial care, retained grade levels and special education — and later in life through law enforcement, prisons, social work, welfare and other support services.

LETTER: A great manifesto for the new hater

I didn’t vote for Donald Trump — or, for that matter, Hillary Clinton — yet I struggle with Mr. Hayden’s “do as I say, not as I do” logic.

LETTER: Populists who voted for Donald Trump made a big mistake

Triple-billionaires do not care if you lose your jobs. Out-of-control capitalism cares even less. You are being used. You are suffering for their profit lust. Mr. Trump is billionaire. Get it?

LETTER: Clark County has a spending problem, not a revenue problem

Together with the generous pensions paid through the PERS system, it is wasteful and ill-conceived government spending that needs to be addressed before we push to milk more money from taxpayers.

LETTER: Despite protestations from columnist Susan Estrich, President-elect Donald Trump does indeed have a mandate

When a person defeats 17 others within his own party to move on to challenge the opposing party’s career candidate, then defeats that candidate in the general election — and you add to it the loss of the Senate Democrat majority and the expansion of the Republican House majority — any nonpartisan onlooker would call that a mandate.

LETTERS: Obamacare repeal must not occur without a GOP alternative

I hope Sen. Dean Heller joins other responsible Republican senators who caution that precipitous repeal of the Affordable Care Act without legislating an immediate replacement will have a devastating impact on our health-care system and thousands of Nevada citizens.

LETTERS: Donald Trump getting what he deserves

Our soon-to-be president must remember the old cliches that you reap what you sow and what goes around comes around.

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