Why should anyone have the ability to see a past employee’s personal information? At what point does a government employee’s life become private again?
President Trump has made clear that the Jewish refrain “never again” has ceased to have any relevance in this Brave New World.
Life is indeed getting better.
Now more than ever, Sen. Heller has the opportunity to keep Nevada’s health and environment safe from an EPA nominee who has taken every opportunity to fight for fossil-fuel interests.
If you look at the state next to you, it used to be the state that drove the economy in this country. But now it is the melting pot of disaster — in debt and high taxes. It now has a high exit rate among higher-income residents.
May we presume, then, that the caucus will take personal responsibility for any crimes committed by illegal aliens who share their ethnicity and relieve taxpayers of the cost of their medical care?
I find this attempt by Democrats to relieve the tax burden on women to be racist and discriminatory.
But it seems “most” vets do hold certain principles they carry their entire lives. It’s very abstract and may really have started at the family level and been reinforced by the military.
Eating establishments that offer a free meal to veterans on Veterans Day do so as a courtesy and as a way of offering their thanks.
The reason health care in this country is so expensive is the lack of personal responsibility. Seventy-five percent of all health-care problems are self inflicted.
If my tip for a drink means one less pull on the slot machine, I consider it money well spent.
Rioting, disguised as free speech, has become a catch-and-release sport. Arson, looting, destruction of property are no longer considered criminal acts.
He just wanted to be supportive and helpful to his family and others, to achieve in education and sports, and to become an increasingly thoughtful and caring guy.
The number of collisions at many intersections increased subsequent to camera installation due to sudden braking upon the transition from green to yellow lights in the direction of traffic.
How about reducing those generous government pension packages and salaries? What about curtailing wasteful spending and holding individuals accountable, for a change.